Serving an order

Serving items as a location manager or waiter is only possible if the item is not set to auto serve when ready. To find out more, go to the Menus section

This page applies to Dine in and Quick sale orders. Click here to learn how to finalise Takeaway orders

If an order has items that are waiting to be served from the kitchen or bar, the order will be green and Ready will be displayed in the bottom right.

Tap on the green order to reveal the items that are ready to be served. Items that are ready are displayed in green.

Once the items have been served, tap 'Serve' to change the status of the items. Tap 'Serve all' to update all the items that are ready, or select individual categories or items by tapping on them, then tap 'Serve selected'.

Once the status has been set to served, the order items change from green to grey and the actual order moves into the normal list of tables.

Once all order items have been served and the order is fully paid, the order will disappear from the orders view and will be retrievable in Cash-out until a Z report is performed

Last updated