
When making or updating an order, taking payments is simple, fast and straightforward!


To make a payment with cash:

  1. Tap 'Pay cash'

  2. Confirm if you want to pay the full amount or split the payment

  3. If you choose to pay the full amount, the system will ask you to input the cash amount given

  4. If the cash given is more than the amount due, the change amount will be displayed

  5. If you choose to split the payment, the system will ask you to input the amount of the split paymnet, then it will ask you to input the cash amount given

  6. If the cash given is more than the amount paid, the change amount will be displayed

  7. Continue to make payments until the order is fully paid


To make a payment with card:

  1. Tap 'Pay card'

  2. Confirm if you want to pay the full amount or split the payment

  3. If you choose to pay the full amount, the system will process the amount due

  4. If you are using integrated payments, the amount will be sent to your chosen card machine and the result of the payment will be sent back to the system for easy reporting

  5. If you are not using integrated payments, the payment is finalised and the transaction is recorded

  6. If you choose to split the payment, the system will ask you to input the amount of the split paymnet, then it will process the specified amount

  7. Continue to make payments until the order is fully paid

Payments can be split between multiple card and cash payments

Failed/canceled integrated card transactions are recorded in the system

It is important to choose the correct payment method even when using the system without an integrated card machine, as the amounts will be reflected in your X, Z and historical reporting

Last updated